Fausto Ceni on Web Pictures




In this page I am presenting some pictures of my plants.


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Arisarum proboscideum Helicodiceros muscivorum Sauromatum guttatum Ambrosinia bassi Ambrosinia bassi


Amaryllis belladonna Fritillaria conica Androcymbium rechingeri Veltheimia bracteata Ophioglussum lusitanicum


Arisaema fargesii Arum purpureoospathum Cypripedium formosanum Ophrys sphecodes Barlia longibracteata


Paeonia russii Iris pseudopumila Helleborus bocconei Helleborus orientalis Helleborus argutifolius



Click on the pictures to enlarge them - Use the back arrow of your browser to come back






Last update31/12/2001